4.9732 lei;
4.7413 lei;
5.9954 lei;
5.3047 lei;
1.2151 lei;
0.1139 lei;
0.2587 lei;
0.1358 lei;

PSD-PNL candidates in the June 9 European Parliament elections

PSD-PNL candidates for the European Parliament elections on June 9, 2024 were announced both by Marcel Ciolacu – the president of the PSD and the Prime Minister of Romania – and by Nicolae Ciucă – the president of the PNL. On Thursday, March 21, 2024, Ramona Chiriac, the independent woman who was supposed to open the joint lists on June 9, announced that she was withdrawing “for personal reasons.”

“Regarding Mr. Tudose, it is an option to open the list, but following the decision made by Mrs. Ramona Chiriac, I am firmly convinced that in the coming days I will meet with Mr. President Nicolae Ciucă and, as is normal, we will decide together how we will proceed . At this moment, I want the lists to be opened by the representatives of the two parties”, said Marcel Ciolacu during the press statement on Thursday, March 21, 2024.

PNL candidates for the 2024 European Parliament elections on June 9
Rares Bogdan
Dan Motreanu
Adina Valean
Daniel Buda
Siegfried Muresan
Mircea Hava
Gheorghe Falca
Virgil Popescu
Alexandru Muraru
Mara Mares

PSD candidates for the 2024 European Parliament elections on June 9
Mihai Tudose
Gabriela Firea
Claudio Manda
Victor Negrescu
Vasile Dincu
Gheorghe Carciu
Dragos Benea
Dan Nica
Stefan Musoiu
Roxana Manzatu
Andi Cristea
Larisa Blănari
Florian Valentin Sălăjeanu
Mădălina Lazar

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