CE submitted Muresan’s proposal for the gradual integration of Rep. Moldova in the European Single Market

CE submitted Muresan’s proposal for the gradual integration of Rep. Moldova in the European Single Market

MEP Siegfried Muresan announces that the European executive submitted his proposal regarding the gradual integration of the Republic of Moldova into the European Single Market

“The European Commission presented today the proposal for the gradual integration of the Republic of Moldova – and the other candidate states – into the European Single Market, in parallel with the process of accession to the European Union. The proposal is part of the European Commission’s communication regarding the necessary reforms before the expansion of the European Union. It is a very good proposal that, as the president of the European Parliament Delegation for relations with the Republic of Moldova, I presented already two years ago, before granting the status of a candidate country to the Republic of Moldova,” Mureșan said.

In the last two years, he recalls that he included this request in four official statements of the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee, as well as in two resolutions of the European Parliament that he negotiated and which were voted by a large majority of MEPs.

“The gradual integration of the Republic of Moldova into the Single Market and other European programs brings concrete benefits to the people faster, even before the actual accession to the European Union. Access to the Single Market means a total and permanent liberalization of EU-Moldova trade, it means that Moldovan products will enter the European market more easily. At the same time, through access to the Single Market, the people of Moldova will have easier access to quality European products at lower prices. Last but not least, the gradual integration into the Single Market will brings European quality standards to the Republic of Moldova and will provide more confidence for investors to come to Moldova and create new jobs”, added Mureșan.

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