4.9773 lei;
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1.2013 lei;
0.1134 lei;
0.2579 lei;
0.135 lei;

Julianne Smith: “I believe you are aware that the US stance is to fully support Mark Rutte”

NATO is currently in an intense period of discussions and efforts to reach a mutual agreement on the selection of the Alliance’s next leader. During a press conference held in Brussels on Tuesday, the US representative to NATO, Julianne Smith, stated that the US fully backs the current Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, for this key position.

“I believe you are aware that the US stance is to fully support Mark Rutte as the future Secretary-General, but we also hold the highest regard for our friend, President Iohannis, and appreciate his entry into the competition, wishing him all the best as we continue to debate this issue (the selection of the next Secretary-General) within the Alliance,” stated Julianne Smith.

She pointed out that the ambassadors of the 32 NATO member countries are currently discussing and debating the advantages and disadvantages of the two candidates.

“All of us, the 32 ambassadors here at NATO, are in the midst of searching for potential successors (to the current Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg). And as you know, there are two official candidates. We have Mark Rutte from the Netherlands and President Iohannis from Romania. There is an ongoing debate within the Alliance regarding the qualifications of these two very impressive leaders, and we will continue to debate the pros and cons of these two individuals until we reach a consensus on one of them,” the ambassador declared.

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