MEP Dan Motreanu “Talent development trap” affects almost 30% of the EU population

MEP Dan Motreanu “Talent development trap” affects almost 30% of the EU population

MEP Dan Motreanu spoke in a post on the Facebook social network about the cohesion policy of the European Union.

“The cohesion policy of the European Union reduces the gaps between EU regions and states. The European Commission has published its ninth report on cohesion.

We recently debated in the European Parliament the report on the Cohesion Policy from 2014-2020. Romania accessed 24 billion euros. Through the 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy, Romania can access up to 46 billion euros. This money will bring even more development for Romania, it will bring serious investments in local communities.

According to the report published by the European Commission, through the financing of the Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, more than 4.4 million enterprises were supported, 370,000 jobs were created. The GDP per capita of the states that have joined in the last 20 years has increased from 52% to almost 80% of the EU average. In the case of Romania, the GDP per capita increased from 42% to 78% of the EU average, from 2007 until now. Funds from the Cohesion Policy constituted approximately 13% of the total public investments in the EU, reaching 51% for the less developed Member States.

Thanks to support from Cohesion Policy, EU regions returned to their 2019 GDP levels in just two years after the health crisis. After the 2008 financial crisis, some regions needed ten years to return.

On the other hand, the report mentions sub-national disparities between large metropolitan areas and other regions, as well as regions that are in a “development trap” and that have fallen behind. The “talent development trap” affects 82 regions in 16 countries, representing almost 30% of the EU population. Unfortunately, seven of the eight regions in Romania are affected by the demographic decline.
We got the European Parliament’s vote to support regions facing declining labor force, young people leaving and a low share of people with higher education. The “Talent Stimulation Mechanism” was approved, for which I was responsible from the EPP group.” MEP Dan Motreanu spoke in a post on the Facebook social network about the cohesion policy of the European Union

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