MEP Vlad Gheorghe, claims that passport checks for Romanian citizens continue at airports within the Schengen area, even though Romania joined “Air Schengen” starting April 1st. He has announced plans to submit formal complaints to the European Commission and the involved airports in member countries.
“Discrimination continues, even though Romania is in Schengen. I will send official complaints to the European Commission and the airports in member states where Romanians’ passports are still being checked, although since March 31st our country is part of the single European circulation space by air and sea.
It’s a clear abuse on the part of the respective national authorities; it’s unacceptable to have selective checks specifically on Romanian flights, and a selective check doesn’t mean you check all documents for everyone traveling from Romania.
I was personally checked upon landing in Paris, yesterday, on April 1st, without receiving any explanation. I have received numerous messages from Romanian citizens who were similarly checked at airports in Amsterdam and Munich. Again, these were not random or selective checks but evidently an organized checkpoint for document verification by the border police upon disembarking from flights coming from Romania.
The stuttering of the police officers I confronted at the Paris airport confirms that there was no routine control action. Upon my insistence, they tried to say they would check other destinations, not just the Romanian ones, but throughout the airport, on the Schengen terminal, I didn’t encounter another similar point, and those agents did not move to another gate from a flight from another European country, changing their story – ‘we will go, but later, we don’t know where, it’s communicated by our superiors, we’re waiting.’ Ironically, they were waiting while checking every European citizen disembarking from the flight from Bucharest, a mere coincidence, of course,” wrote Vlad Gheorghe, on Tuesday, on Facebook.
Românii, controlați în continuare pe aeroporturile Europei! Discriminarea continuă, chiar dacă România este în Schengen….
Publicată de Vlad Gheorghe pe Marţi, 2 aprilie 2024
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