Pope Francis calls again for negotiations to end the fighting in Ukraine and Gaza

Pope Francis calls again for negotiations to end the fighting in Ukraine and Gaza

After the statement in which he asked Ukraine to “raise a white flag”, Pope Francis insists that “every effort to negotiate” be made to end the “horror of the war” in Gaza and Ukraine, according to AFP

“We entrust to St. Joseph the peoples of Ukraine and the Holy Land, Palestine, Israel, who suffer so much because of the horror of war,” said the Sovereign Pontiff, at the end of his weekly audience at the Vatican.

Addressing the thousands of faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis added: “We cannot continue the war. We must do everything we can to discuss, to negotiate, to end the war.”

In an interview published on March 9, the head of the Catholic Church called on Ukraine to “raise a white flag and negotiate” to end the war “before things get worse.”

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