Roberta Metsola at the European Council: This election will be the test of our systems

Roberta Metsola at the European Council: This election will be the test of our systems

Delivering on our priorities is the best tool to push against disinformation, said EP President Roberta Metsola at European Council. Addressing the Heads of State or Government at the March European Council in Brussels today, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola highlighted the following topics:

“We are meeting today 77 days from the start of the European Parliament elections. We know how much we need to work together to get out the vote.

In this legislature, we have put Europe’s stamp on global geopolitics and we have defended our European way in an ever-changing world. We have become stronger because of the challenges we faced and not despite them. We have held the constructive European majority together and we must do that again.

Europe is delivering for our people, but we have to be able to get that message across every Member State. Together with MEPs, I have visited many countries to convince our people, especially our young people, to go out and vote.”

“We know how far other actors will go to try to disrupt our democratic processes. We are seeing attempts in many States to push disinformation, misinformation and propaganda which come from actors hostile to the European project. It is a threat that we must be ready for.

We can make use of both legislative and non-legislative tools – particularly through how we tackle social media. Legislatively, we have the Digital Markets Act, Digital Services Act, the AI Act, political advertising and Media Freedom – but we must also be ready to engage better online.

We cannot allow this destructive narrative, propaganda and disinformation to spread without countering it. We have to be ready to engage with the platforms.

This election will be a test of our systems and makes our job of getting the message across even more essential.”

“My appeal here is to resist the temptation in a difficult campaign to blame Brussels for all that is wrong and give no credit where it is due.

We need to be open and honest about our successes – but also where we could have done better. Where we did not match the expectations of our people. Where people still feel left behind. Where our bureaucracy has pushed people away.

Our industry must be part of the equation. Our farmers have to be a part of the equation. Our young people must be part of the equation. People must have confidence in the process, they must have access to tools that allow them to make the shift and they must be able to afford it. Otherwise, it will not succeed.

The European Union is not perfect, but it is the best guarantee for all of our people. So where we need to fix – let us do so. But let us keep building rather than allow easy cynicism to destroy.

We can hand back a Europe that is stronger, that listens to its citizens, that works better, that is more efficient and effective. That – as Jean Claude Juncker famously put it – is big on the big things and small on the small things.”

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