Salvini and Le Pen will not support Ursula von der Leyen

Salvini and Le Pen will not support Ursula von der Leyen

At a recent event held in Rome, the Italian capital, both Matteo Salvini, the Italian Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Lega party, and Marine Le Pen, stated that they would not support Ursula von der Leyen’s candidacy for a new term at the head of the European Commission.

At the “Winds of Change” event organized by Identity and Democracy (ID) in Rome, Marine Le Pen made a provocative call to Giorgia Meloni through a video message, questioning whether she would support von der Leyen’s candidacy for a new term. “A message for Giorgia: Will you or will you not support a second term for Von der Leyen? I think you will. You owe the Italians the truth; you must say what you are going to do,” Le Pen stated in her message.

In addition to this question, Le Pen also highlighted that Salvini is the only right-wing representative who opposed von der Leyen’s candidacy, expressing gratitude to those who support the Lega party to elect representatives “who will not lie, will not maneuver, and will be clear, lucid, and decisive.”

Both Salvini and Le Pen expressed their intention to secure as many seats as possible in the European Parliament in the June elections, aiming to strengthen the ID group’s position. They underscored their commitment to preventing Ursula von der Leyen from being re-elected as the head of the European Commission.

During the event, Salvini addressed the audience, saying that Lega party supporters would never vote for von der Leyen for a second term, nor for the Socialists, emphasizing unity in the face of division attempts. “They are trying to divide us, but they will not succeed.”

Salvini also referred to his relationship with Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s Prime Minister, describing it as a friendship where there can be differences of opinion but which does not affect the governing coalition in Italy, which he anticipates will continue until 2027.

Meloni, known for her good relations with von der Leyen, had previously expressed her support for the Commission President’s second term, a stance that is opposed by both right-wing leaders.

André Ventura, leader of Portugal’s Chega party and a special guest at the event, also voiced his support for Salvini, questioning the need to endorse Meloni’s stance and emphasizing that Salvini is the true defender of European nations.

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