Telegram messaging application suspended in Spain

Telegram messaging application suspended in Spain

Spain’s judiciary has mandated a temporary halt on the operation of the Telegram messaging platform within the nation, following grievances from various media entities alleging unauthorized content distribution by users.

Starting this Monday, Telegram’s accessibility in Spain will be put on pause, as demanded by several media conglomerates, such as Atresmedia, EGEDA, Mediaset, and Telefonica, as per information from Reuters.

Santiago Pedraz, a magistrate, sanctioned the temporary cessation of Telegram’s functionalities in Spain pending a thorough investigation into the accusations. The implementation of this suspension falls under the purview of telecommunications operators, as indicated by a judiciary informant.

Up until now, there has been no comment from Telegram regarding this development. Similarly, the High Court has not issued any statements in response to inquiries.

In terms of popularity, Telegram ranks as the fourth most preferred messaging application among Spanish users, based on data from the CNMC. The service is utilized by nearly 19% of Spanish individuals as surveyed by the CNMC.

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