The EU wants to ban wood stoves

The EU wants to ban wood stoves

Romanians will no longer be allowed to have wood-burning stoves in their homes! At the request of the European Union, Romania undertook to reform the heating system.

At the request of the European Union, energy inefficient technologies currently used for heating / cooling will be gradually replaced. Wood-burning stoves will be replaced by heat pumps, a technology classified as renewable.

This technology should gradually replace inefficient stoves in the European Union by 2050.

In Romania, the share of renewable sources should exceed 32% by 2030 and be almost 35% by 2050.

​Heat pumps are essential for the transition to clean energy and for reaching the European goals of neutrality of carbon dioxide emissions until 2050, according to the European Commission.

To increase the production of heat pumps and their installation, an additional 750,000 installers are needed. Also, at least 50% of existing installers will need to be retrained to work with heat pumps.

At the EU level, there is also discussion about the elimination of power plants that use fossil fuels, something that would directly affect Romanian consumers.

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