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1.2151 lei;
0.1139 lei;
0.2587 lei;
0.1358 lei;

The Prime Minister of Romania states that his country has a plan to fully join the Schengen Area by the end of the year.

At the opening of Timișoara Airport’s new terminal on Friday, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced the government’s intention to extend Romania’s Schengen Area membership to include its land borders by the end of the year.

“A week ago, as the Senate President also mentioned, I was with you at the construction site of Timișoara’s southern bypass. Today, I am here again for the inauguration of the new terminal at Timișoara International Airport. It is evident, and I believe clear to everyone, that finally, after more than 30 years, investments have started to keep pace with the community’s development needs. Here we see a spectacular investment, up to the highest standards. And the same thing is happening in many other cities across the country, whether we’re talking about the airports in Iași, Craiova, or Târgu Mureș. Also, hundreds of millions of euros will be invested in the coming years in the port of Constanța, as well as in our other Danube ports,” Marcel Ciolacu stated at the inauguration of the new terminal at Timișoara Airport.

The Prime Minister expressed confidence that “Romania is ready for Schengen Area accession with its air and maritime borders.”

“In less than 48 hours, Romanians traveling to Schengen will forget about the classic airport control. They will go directly to the boarding gates. After 14 years of injustice, few still hoped that Romania would ever open the Schengen door. And here we are, having achieved air and maritime Schengen from March 31. It’s a first step that confirms we are on an irreversible path. It’s a victory for Romania and for all those who believed in this project,” Ciolacu added.

The Premier assured that the Government has a plan for Romania to fully join the Schengen Area by the end of the year.

“I assure you that we have a plan for a full Schengen accession, including land borders, by the end of the year. For this to be achieved, however, Romania’s interest must come before political egos. Nothing can be built when there is chaos and political forces are fighting each other. Stability is needed and a united voice around major national projects, such as Schengen,” said Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, congratulating the Minister of Transport, Sorin Grideanu, on the project concerning the terminal at Timișoara International Airport and thanking the constructor who carried out the given works.

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