Ukraine has passed a law reducing the age of military service from 27 to 25

Ukraine has passed a law reducing the age of military service from 27 to 25

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, recently approved two legislative acts that change the criteria for military mobilization in the country. The first major change is the lowering of the maximum age for compulsory conscription among male citizens from 27 to 25. This move is aimed at increasing the number of individuals available for military service in the context of martial law, imposed in response to the escalation of the conflict with Russia that began in February 2022. The exact impact of this change on the number of potential recruits remains unclear.

Along with this law, Zelenski also ratified legislation that requires a new medical evaluation for men who were previously exempted from military service on the basis of disabilities. In addition, the initiative of an online database to register all potential recruits was also introduced, a measure intended to support the mobilization efforts of the Ukrainian army.

These legislative adjustments come at a time when the Ukrainian military is facing significant challenges, including substantial losses and difficulties in recruiting new volunteers for the front line. The current conscription system has been criticized for its inefficiency, corruption and inequity, prompting growing calls for reform, including suggestions for the demobilization of those who have served long periods in conflict.

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