UN: There is a ‘high probability’ that 2024 will be the hottest year on record

UN: There is a ‘high probability’ that 2024 will be the hottest year on record

The UN says there is a “high probability” that 2024 will be the hottest year on record.

This year has a high probability of being even warmer than 2023, which was itself the hottest year on record, the United Nations’ weather and climate agency said.

“There is a high probability that the year 2024 will break the record of 2023,” said Omar Baddour, head of climate monitoring at the World Meteorological Organization, quoted by AFP.

Heat waves, floods, droughts, wildfires and tropical cyclones have already intensified and caused problems, disrupting the daily lives of millions of people and causing multibillion-dollar economic losses.

According to the WMO report, last year was the warmest year on record, 1.45 degrees above pre-industrial levels. It was the warmest ten-year period on record.

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